• Store front of Marine surplus with cars in the front parking lot. The building is a grey metal warehouse with a red sign with white lettering that reads Marine Surplus.

Welcome To Marine Surplus

In 1983 Fred and Debora Wagner put together their resources to open Marine Surplus. Providing the Bradenton and Sarasota area with much needed high quality, reasonably priced boating goods obtained through local boat builders. In the years since Marine Surplus’ creation, buildings have been added, suppliers have changed and expanded, and the family grew.

Now stopping into the store, you will find their son Austin handling purchasing and organizing new products. In the back running our webstore their daughter Nicki ensures your web orders are processed and handled with care. Sometimes on the weekends you may spot the 3rd generation of Wagners helping keep things clean.

Most in store faces have been around for over 20 years building the knowledge you can trust to help you make informed purchases, and directing you to who may help you when your problems are just a little out of our league. We encourage you to stop in, or reach out for any of your needs.

Meet Our Team

Fred Wagner
Fred WagnerFounder
Born in Sarasota, Fred graduated from Bayshore High School in 1982. Raised with vast marine knowledge and a passion to match it, Fred married and followed in his father’s footsteps. When the opportunity arose to start Marine Surplus in 1983, he and his new bride wasted no time building the business into what it is today. Fred passed away in 2013 at the age of 49, but his legacy continues with his family’s commitment to provide a superior product and service.
Debora Wagner
Debora WagnerFounder/Proprietor
Debbie is a second generation Floridian, born in Sarasota. She graduated from Bayshore High School in 1982 and married her high school sweetheart. Marrying into the marine industry in 1983, she quickly picked up the trade. She currently enjoys spending time with her family and close friends. Marine Surplus keeps her busy but she still finds time to dedicate to B.U.B.B.A., a seat belt safety non-profit organization dedicated to her youngest son Brett.
Austin Wagner
Austin WagnerPurchasing Manager/General Manager
Austin Wagner has been working at Marine Surplus since 2001. Under the guidance of his parents he’s learned the in’s and out’s of running the business. He continues his father’s passion for guaranteeing the best quality marine equipment that he oversees as the Purchasing Manager for Marine Surplus. His hard work and integrity are being passed on to his three children who are sometimes seen at his side as he shows them the ropes.
While rarely seen wearing anything other than black he’s easy to pick out among the staff, and is the most eager to assist with difficult problems. He takes to challenges like a goldfish to water, with only slightly more cursing.
Nicki Wagner
Nicki WagnerWebstore Manager
Fred and Debbie’s daughter stepped in to take control of the webstore in 2017. Since then she’s been the backbone of our online community. If you’ve ever had any questions regarding the store you’ve probably already spoken with her. Most regulars of our storefront will also recognize her smiling face as she has helped up front over the years as well. It’s not uncommon to see her around lunch time with her large bear of a dog, Murphy the Great Pyrenees.
Jim Gier
Jim GierBuilding 1 Manager
Since 1988 Jim’s affable demeanor is one of the first things you’d encounter when you enter the building. A valued asset, matter-of-fact and down to earth, Jim has always been a grounding member of our team. He’s also held strong as a reliable source of general wisdom and insight. If you need something and can’t find it, Jim can*. Whether the item’s in our building, or elsewhere, the man has a sixth sense and it’s rare he can’t help solve the dilemma.
*His methods aren’t fool proof, but he’s good, ok?
Tim Wagner
Tim WagnerBuilding 2 Manager
In 1987 Tim joined his brother Fred and has been a staple in building 2 ever since. Our easy going cheerful bigfoot is your go to source for starboard, vinyl, and seating information. Tim has a breadth of knowledge greater than his height. Find him in building 2 towards the front of the building either working on a project or relaxing in the cross breeze where he’ll be waiting with a good joke and a smile.
Chris Barr
Chris BarrAssociate/Unofficial Engineer
Chris has been an honorary part of the Marine Surplus family since 1997 only taking a small break to test drier states before returning to the homeland. A Dr. Frankenstein of boat parts he’s known for helping customers put together fascinatingly functional pieces when the exact parts aren’t present, and offering solutions to hard problems. If he’s not helping someone, he’s usually in the back table tinkering with something or telling the worst pun you’ve heard that day, and we’re grateful to hear it.
Tony Vingelli
Tony Vingelli Webstore Associate/Fiberglass Guru
Tony has been a part of the marine industry since 1975 and a part of the Marine Surplus family for the last 14 years. He has bounced all around Marine Surplus being our Jack of all trades over the years. Typically found in the back helping Nicki out, shipping orders or loading items onto this site, he’s also our walking encyclopedia on all things rope splicing and fiberglass information. Because of his tenure in the industry if he’s spotted upfront he’s often being stopped to catch up by any number of our customers who have worked with him. It’s almost like working with a bartender, seemingly everyone knows him.
Jai Rogers
Jai RogersWebsite overlord
Our colorful resident Jaibird has only been with us since 2023, and now helps run our social media pages, the backend of this website, and our blog. She’s currently also trying to tackle larger scale marketing projects. So if you see some goofy marketing related to us blame her. In the almost 2 years working with us she has learned a lot about boating and parts, but remains someone who prefers creeks and streams to large bodies of water. So when she’s not in the front office making bad faces at the computer, she’s at the counter making the same face at a part someone brought in, but don’t worry, she can still help you that’s just her face.