Customer Testimonials

I’m not the type of person to go around leavin reviews for companies and what not but, I am for marine surplus. Every time I need something for my boat they have it, they literally have anything you could think of when it comes to marine essentials. Great/Helpful customer service too. 5/5 ⭐️

Jordan Whidden

Thank you for your excellent service. I’m very pleased with the products I received, they were just as stated on your website. I will be buying all my boat parts from you. Thanks again.

Ted Brinton

A great company for boat parts and accessories. They were recommended by a friend, and they didn’t disappoint.

Barry Cheesman

I’m writing to you to say thanks for saving me a bunch of money! Honest, friendly, customer service – a company I can truly trust.

Leslie Mazzuki

I wanted to take a minute and THANK YOU for your AA++ service!! Customer Service person was helpful, courteous and shipped product just exactly as she said she would. Thank you again for your promptness and efficiency !!! It is hard to find such a reliable company these days. It seemed so good to not have call and follow up due to being given false information. THANK YOU again and keep up the GREAT service!

Mike Hughes